Dr. Axel Brinkop - Configuration Specialist
My passion is solving configuration problems. I started studying this topic more than 25 years ago. I researched this subject as a principal investigator during my time at Fraunhofer Gesellschaft. I learned the business aspects of software development and sales during my work with TDV and Access Commerce. Throughout this time I was managing industrial projects as well. Today, I'm facing the challenge of using my knowledge to help your company to reduce costs and raise turnover and revenue.
Diploma in Computer Science and Economics (Diplom in Informatik mit Nebenfach Wirtschaftswissenschaften) at the University of Kaiserslautern with specialization in Artificial Intelligence.
Applied Research
Basic and applied research at Fraunhofer Institut für Informations- und Datenverarbeitung IITB, Experts Systems research group.
Fraunhofer Award
for excellent scientific results while solving real life problems for the “Knowledge-based Construction of Industrial Mixing-Machines”.
“Construction of Variants by the Evaluation of Dependencies Between Parts”, University Fridericiana, Karlsruhe.
Product Management, Pre-Sales and Project Management in the national and international environment for Access Commerce GmbH (formerly TDV GmbH), a producer of configuration software.
Independant consulting for product configuration. 2007 Brinkop Consulting founded, 2011 Brinkop Consulting UG, 2015 Brinkop Consulting GmbH